VBC’s Return to Safe Singing – Communicable Diseases Policy
We invite you to read below our procedures for safe singing in each weekly rehearsal. These have been created based on best practices and recommendations by national health and choral authorities. We are adopting this policy to safeguard the health of our members and their families, our employees and volunteers, and the community at large from infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, which may be reduced by vaccinations.
Please connect with us if you have any questions. Your health and safety is important to us.
Staying Home
The VBC respectfully requests that any member, employee, staff member, or volunteer stay home and away from in-person events if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness. If members have stayed home from school/work, they should also be staying home from in-person events. Online rehearsal alternatives will be made available for adult singers who need to stay home due to illness.
Vaccinations are no longer mandatory for participants. However, we strongly encourage all singers aged 5+ to be up-to-date on their vaccinations in order to provide the best protection for our members and their families, our employees and volunteers, and the community at large from communicable diseases, such as COVID-19.
In rehearsal protocols
During rehearsals, we will be following all recommended communicable disease safety procedures. This will include, but may not be limited to:
- Making hand sanitizer available upon entry and exit to the rehearsal space.
- Offering online rehearsal alternatives (adult choirs only) for those experiencing any symptoms of illness or anyone who does not feel comfortable yet attending in person events.
- Mask use: members are strongly encouraged to wear masks to help protect your fellow singers. Whether or not masks are mandatory may fluctuate depending on the season, and we will continue to communicate any updates to our members.
- Physical distancing when necessary.
- Cleaning high touch surfaces.
- We have worked with our venues to ensure that proper safety protocols and air flow options are in place.
We appreciate your help in implementing these safety protocols and making in person rehearsals as safe as possible for everyone involved. As always, if you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope to see, and hear you soon!