Payment Methods
- Single Payments
- E-transfers payments can be made to (Please include your child’s full name on the message area)
- Credit card payments can be made using the PayPal links below. Alternatively, you can contact our office at 604-872-8789.
- Cheques can be mailed to our office at #304-3102 Main Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5T 3G7. Please ensure to include your child’s full name on the cheque.
$630 includes ($508 tuition, $72 membership & admin fees inclusive of GST, $50 fundraising).
Please note the following regarding Vancouver Bach Family of Choirs payments:
- Monthly Payments: Post-dated cheques can be mailed to our office at #304-3102 Main Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5T 3G7. Please ensure to include your child’s full name on the cheques.
- 10 post-dated cheques of the following amounts should be mailed in or dropped off by Aug 15, 2024:
- One cheque for Sep 1=$172.80 (prorated tuition + $72 admin & membership + $50 fundraising)
- Nine cheques from Sep 15 to May 15 = $50.80 (prorated tuition)
- 10 post-dated cheques of the following amounts should be mailed in or dropped off by Aug 15, 2024: