An ambitious choir for young singers.
Rehearsing from 6:30-8:00PM on Tuesdays, this first class ensemble is comprised of gifted young singers and musicians.
The Chorus is the pinnacle of our younger choirs. In addition to their performances in the VBCC annual Christmas Concert (Orpheum Theatre), Spring Concert (local church) and Summer Concert (Chan Centre, UBC), the Chorus accepts invitations to perform at civic and corporate events throughout the year, as well as special performances with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
Now singing in full harmony the Chorus studies music which is both vocally and musically challenging, in 5 languages, from all genres. Chorus members attend a fall retreat and have undertaken many tours in previous years.
All new singers must audition before joining the Chorus. A long-time member who is moving up from the Chorales will not need to audition into Chorus. New as of fall 2022, certain Music Theory requirements will need to be met in order to join Chorus.
Regular rehearsals take place weekly on Tuesday evenings at Pacific Spirit United Church.
Please note: We plan to continue rehearsals in-person in the fall. If absolutely necessary, alternative options will be hybrid rehearsals (reduced numbers in person on a rotating basis, remainder of class joins from home) or fully online.
CONDUCTOR: Marisa Gaetanne
PIANIST: Kin Ming Wong
REHEARSALS — All Rehearsals begin the week of September 9, 2024.
Tuesdays – 6:30 – 8:00pm
Pacific Spirit United Church (2195 W 45th Ave) in Kerrisdale
New applicants to Chorus should prepare two (2) songs, one in English and one in another language, from the classical, traditional folk, or classic musical theatre repertoire. Facility with solfege, intervals, scales, sight-singing, and vocal technique will be assessed. Singers will also be expected to complete a written Music Theory assessment. Auditions last approximately seven minutes.
- white blouse (provided by VBCC)
- long black skirt (provided by VBCC)
- black tights (sheer or opaque, full length, not patterned)
- black dress shoes
- any necessary hair clips/elastics should match hair
- hair should be neat and off of your face
- any jewelry should be subtle so as not to distract during performance
- black dress pants
- white button down shirt with long sleeves (collared or collarless is fine), tucked in
- black socks
- black dress shoes
- any necessary hair clips/elastics should match hair
- hair should be neat and off of your face
- any jewelry should be subtle so as not to distract during performance