Registration for the 2024-25 season opened in mid-May. Please make sure you are subscribed to our e-newsletter and that you are following us on social media to make sure you’re aware of registration! Piccolinis (4 and 5 year olds) do not need to audition to register. Register for Piccolinis now.
Singers aged 4 & 5 (born in 2018 & 2019)
Piccolini classes is a training choir to develop musicianship and the foundations of music learning and performing. Piccolinis will be small classes of up to 12 children, with lots of individual attention, and will not perform in the large scale venues but will have regular sharings for families and special musical events. Rehearsals take place in multiple locations and times in Kerrisdale and Kitsalano.
GRADES 1 & 2
PICCOLO CONDUCTOR: Catherine Campolin
Each Piccolo group has approximately 18 singers. Rehearsals are 45 minutes long. Piccolos sing in the annual Christmas Concert (Orpheum Theatre) and the Summer concert (Chan Centre, UBC). In weekly rehearsals, the focus is on developing fine vocalism, solfege, ear training, the awareness of musical elements and concepts, as well as sensitive phrasing and musicality. Rehearsals take place in multiple locations and times in the Kerrisdale and East Vancouver neighborhoods.
GRADES 3 & 4
Toccatas rehearse on Tuesdays at our Kerrisdale location. The Toccatas appear in the annual Christmas Concert (Orpheum Theatre), Spring Concert (local church) and Summer concert (Chan Centre, UBC). In addition, Toccatas are proud to present small community outreach concerts. Toccatas continue to master the art of fine unison singing, while exploring repertoire from the classical voice and choral repertoires, in addition to selections from musicals and international folk repertoire. Toccatas sing in English, French, German and Italian. They are introduced to musicians’ ‘lingo’ and begin to explore the architecture of music while continuing to develop their ear-training and sight-singing abilities.
PARTITA CONDUCTOR: Catherine Campolin
Started during our 2016-17 season, the Partitas are a choir created to accommodate families on the East side of Vancouver. The Partitas appear in the annual Christmas Concert (Orpheum Theatre), Spring Concert (local church) and Summer Concert (Chan Centre, UBC) as well as small community outreach performances. The Partitas will sing challenging music in unison as well as 2 part music. They will be introduced to singing in other languages. Music is chosen from the classical voice repertoire, from musical theatre and international folk repertoire. Rehearsals will also include building essential musical theory and vocabulary knowledge, while continuing to develop their ear-training and sight-singing abilities. Partitas rehearse weekly on Wednesdays.
Chorales rehearse weekly on Tuesdays at our Kerrisdale location. Chorales appear in the annual Christmas Concert (Orpheum Theatre), Spring Concert (local church) and Summer Concert (Chan Centre, UBC), in addition to small community outreach performances. Chorales quickly learn to sing 2 and 3 part music, hence covering much more of the great choral treble repertoire. They sing in 4 languages from a wide variety of musical styles, adding songs from the jazz and gospel traditions to their steady diet of superb classical, folk, and theatre repertoires. Chorales make conscious their now-innate musicianship skills and actively learn to read music and understand music theory. A fast-paced, fun ensemble with a bit of choreo thrown in now and then.
GRADES 8 – 12
An ambitious choir for young singers. The Chorus is the pinnacle of our younger choirs. In addition to their performances in the VBCC annual Christmas Concert (Orpheum Theatre), Spring Concert (local church) and Summer Concert (Chan Centre, UBC), the Chorus accepts invitations to perform at civic and corporate events throughout the year, as well as special performances with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
Now singing in full harmony the Chorus studies music which is both vocally and musically challenging, in 5 languages, from all genres. Chorus members attend a fall retreat and have undertaken many tours in previous years. Rehearsing for 2 hours weekly, this first class ensemble is comprised of gifted young singers and musicians.
All new singers must audition before joining the Chorus. A long-time member who is moving up from the Chorales will not need to audition into Chorus.
We love to hear from enthusiastic young singers! All singers enter our program by friendly auditions, usually in late May/early June & early September. To book an audition for you or your child, or for general information regarding auditions and available audition dates, please feel free to contact us at vbcc.auditions@vancouverbachchoir.com.
Our 7 year old daughter had major surgery to remove a brain tumour. After the surgery, she experienced some vocal challenges that her medical team could not explain. We were preparing to see a speech pathologist when she returned to VBCC in September. Since then, her speech has improved so much - and with it, her confidence - that her teachers have been stopping me to comment. Singing is an incredible gift in so many ways. Thank you, VBCC!